Be Safe: Awaniċihdaka
Be Responsible: Waohiki
Be Caring: Wauŋşida
Be Respectful: Woohoda
Toka Nuwaƞ Wayawa Tipi, an indigenous school of the Sisituƞwaƞ-Wahṗetuƞwaƞ Oyate, honors those who have come before by providing a safe environment, immersing cultural teachings, and by inspiring learners to develop a foundation of critical thinking and social-emotional skills to be good relatives.
⇒Students will increase proficiency of the Dakotah Language
⇒Staff will increase the amount of Dakota language usage with students
⇒Implement school-wide Dakodiapi
⇒Create and implement immersion activities
⇒Learn and apply effective strategies for language learning
⇒Extend the Dakotah Language learning to our students’ homes
⇒Students will maintain classroom engagement of 80% or more
⇒Teachers will score an overall “4” on the Math Teacher Observation from on 75% of the observations.
⇒Teachers will score an overall “4” on the Literacy Teacher Observation from on 75% of the observations.
⇒Sixty percent or more students will score at the 50% achievement level or more on the NWEA Measure of Academic Progress (Map) Math Assessment
⇒Fifty percent or more students will score at the 50% achievement level or more on the NWEA Measure of Academic Progress (Map) Reading Assessment
⇒Adopt highly effective core curriculums and intervention pro-grams
⇒Adopt and apply effective teaching strategies
⇒Strengthen student reading and math proficiency through ac-tive student engagement strategies
⇒Adopt and implement an effective writing curriculum
⇒The percent of students that attain 80% or more Independent Learner skills will increase by 5% each year
⇒At least 90% of ESDS 8th grade graduates will demonstrate readiness for high school
⇒Develop and implement a high school readiness program for grades 6-8
⇒Fully implement ESDS approved SEL curriculum with fidelity, and utilize the skills in classroom structure and learning
⇒Develop and implement a student leadership program incor-porating Dakota values, peer mentoring, and service learning
Maintain an overall attendance of at least 94% each year
Revise the Multi-tiered System of Support
Develop and administer a plan for parent awareness and support
Create a work-flow process for systematically monitoring attendance, analyzing data, and communicating to families
Provide incentives will be given to celebrate attendance
Cognia Regional Accreditation
South Dakota State Accreditation
NAEYC FACE Program Accreditation
COA After School Accreditation
Enemy Swim Day School serves the educational needs of the Glacial Lakes Region of NE South Dakota on the Lake Traverse Reservation. Academic programs for children in preschool through eighth grade include Dakota Language, Culture and History, South Dakota State Core Instruction, Pull-out and Inclusive Exceptional Education, Speech, Occupational and Physical Therapy and School Wide Title 1 programming. Teaching teams develop an education improvement plan for students testing below proficiency in math and reading.
- Flexible Scheduling for Middle Grades
- Small Classroom Size
- Fulltime Educational Support, Guidance and Student Services
- Highly Qualified Teachers
- Fulltime School Nurse
- High Expectations for Learning
- Student Center Experiences
- Expanded Learning Time: Summer and after school expanded learning time supports the academic school day by providing a wide variety of clubs designed to engage all interest and learning levels of the student body and to augment the regular school day curriculum. Clubs are oriented in categories:
- Education & Career Development
- Literacy & Writing
- Sports, Fitness & Recreation
- Character & Leadership
- Dakota Curriculum
- The Arts
- Music Appreciation
- Health & Life Skills
Enemy Swim Day School utilizes the South Dakota State Standards for Learning. These are supplemented with the Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate Tribal Standards. Dakotah history and elements of Dakotah culture are integrated into all content areas throughout the learning day in culturally responsive classrooms guided by the Oceti Sakowin Essential Understanding and local expertise. Along with integration across the curriculum, Dakotah Language and Culture learning also takes place through experiential learning.
BIE Assessment : Tribal Summative Assessment – Annually
Enemy Swim Day School participates in the new BIE assessments for English-language arts and math which are aligned to the Common Core Standards. More information about the BIE assessment can be found: https://www.bie.edu/sites/default/files/documents/10_29_BIE_Standards_Assessments_and_Accountability_Oct2020.pdf
BIE Science : Tribal Summative Assessment – Annually
Science for fifth and eighth grade is assessed using the BIE Science Assessment
NWEA MAPS & Classworks Diagnostic Assessments : Formative Assessments – Tri – Annual
Formative assessments in math and reading are implemented tri-annually by classroom teachers. Data-driven results are used to place students in on-target, strategic and intensive intervention.
Enemy Swim Day School uses a variety of educational improvement programs in delivery of services:
- Amplify CKLA
- HMH Intro to Literature
- Ready Mathematics
- FOSS Science
- HMH Science
- Creative Curriculum Gold
- Teaching Alive! Social Studies
- Classworks
- Reflex Math
- Newsela
- Accelerated Reader
- A to Z programs
The FACE program is a national education model for children, prenatal through age eight and their parents or primary care givers. FACE’s focus is on literacy, life-long learning, school readiness, and enhancing the Dakota language and culture. FACE is fully accredited through National Education of the Young Child Accreditation NEYCA
FACE Components
- Center Based Adult/Parent Education
- Early Childhood Education
- GED Readiness/Completion
- Home based Parent Education
- Basic Computers
- Employability Skills
- School Computer Lab
- 1 – 1 Student Technology
- K – 3 IPads
- 4 – 8 Chromebooks
- Infinite Campus Parent Portal
- Promethean ActivPanels in every classroom
- Laptops & Professional IPads for Teachers
- Star Base Lab
- ESDS Lakers Athletics (Volleyball, Football, Basketball, Golf, Track)
- Hand Games
- Family Engagement Nights
- Dakota Knowledge Bowls
- Science Fair
- Service Learning
- Student Council
- Archery
- School Carnival
- Academic Night
- Backyard Bash
- Lights On Afterschool
- OST: After School