23 Landscape Write It Well (Website)

Student Enrollment

Find all of the application and compliance

forms for enrollment here.


Discover our School

Mission Statement

Toka Nuwaƞ Wayawa Tipi, an indigenous school of the Sisituƞwaƞ-Wahṗetuƞwaƞ Oyate, honors those who have come before by providing a safe environment, immersing cultural teachings, and by inspiring learners to develop a foundation of critical thinking and social-emotional skills to be good relatives.



Established in 1938 and built by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, ESDS is one of a handful of day schools in the nation. A transition from a 638 Grant School to a P.L. 100-297 Contract School Began in 1983. In the 1960’s  & 70’s, ESDS provided education services in cooperation with Waubay Public School. Presently, ESDS is chartered by the Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate and operated by a local School Board.

Certified Teachers
Students Enrolled
Average Classroom Size

13525 446th Avenue
Waubay, SD 57273

Phone (605) 947-4605
Toll Free (888) 825-7738
Fax (605) 947-4188